Clive Postles
24 Cultivars Listed
Arona - Soft yellow perianth, the soft orange peaks at the rim of the spherical cup. Soft spoken and detailed, a peerless thing for the bench. From Clive Postles.
3 W-Y
Astrid's Memory: White and Yellow small cupped show daffodil from Clive Postles.
3 W-Y
Small solid colored yellow cup set in a substantial set of spinnaker-like segments. Large diameter flower. Turns out that we do need those badges. Badgeworth is from Clive Postles. Limited.
My Best Friend has a round pale primrose moon face and thin orange ring on his very round corona. Such are the bonds of friendship. A real bench burner. By Clive Postles. Only a handful available.
2 W-P
White and pink large cupped daffodil for competition from Clive Postles. Very Limited.Exercise care with your handwriting : not to be confused with Binkie one of the very first reverse bi-colors.
An orange rimmed white small cup from Clive Postles brimming with movie-star charisma. The actress Carole Lombard, nicknamed by publicists as Curvy Carole was a child star in the silent movies before making a successful transition to "talkies": specifically in screwball comedies. In 1942, returning from a rally selling $2 million worth of war bonds in her native Indiana, Carole's life and career was cut short by a tragic flight via TWA ( aka The Worst Airline ) . Limited.
A white large cupped daffodil from Clive Postles with a very softly colored yellow cup, for competition.
4 Y-O
A Clive Postles double, Crowndale is descended from Tahiti: in competition a bit more organized and a bit richer in color.
4 Y-O
Impressive and beefy, with a little primping and manscaping First Team is ready for competition on the show bench. Winning with doubles is rewarding, and sometimes not so hard if you have a deep bench.
2 Y-W
A reverse bi color that is strong on all points, weak on none. Consistent, rounded, dandy and neat with strong contrasting color, we find Flor d'Luna to be easily best in class. From Clive Postle in his salad days.
2 W-Y
Wide white and yellow funnel-shaped small cup from Clive Postles. Fertile both ways.
3 Y-R
Jenna, a small cup Yellow/Red is a show-worthy daff from Clive Postles. Small numbers available.
Kaylee Ann is so cute and bright-faced she is easily worth twice the price. Flawless blooms are easy in spite of that buzzsaw edged cup.
A perfectly rounded white and yellow small cup from Clive Postles. Cute as a button and promiscuous. Very limited.
3 W-W
Netherwood Marsh -- a broad and luxurious all white small cup from Clive Postles.
2 Y-Y
Online. Clive Postles bred richly colored and substantial large cup. Pollen and pod fertile.
1 W-W
If the industrial designer Jony Ive was tasked with bloom production Pebble Mill might be his first prototype. A smooth and evenly flattened double triangle perianth. A flared funnel trumpet with a slightly rolled rim clad in all white. Late 20th century cool.
1 Y-Y
A Gold Trumpet that is so rounded that you might easily mistake it for a large cup. A show daffodil from Clive Postles by way of Goldfinger,sister to Midas Touch. Tall yet mid blooming.
2 Y-Y
Evenly mellow yellow all over with a flared cup, this Summer Breeze is rounded and cool with out being cold , From Clive Postles.
White Tea - Limited Number available.