For the Border
40 Cultivars Listed
Make a statement in your garden. With the added benefit of meeting up locally with your favorite friends year over year. Generally, but not limited to taller varieties. "Makes a nice clump" is a compliment any daffodil gardener can be proud of.
Beefy and Bright April Queen is an older variety that is enjoying a newly found cult of admirers. A stellar landscape daffodil : Plant a few bulbs and in a couple of turns of the planet you will have a Queen's chorus. Blooms bright, tall and well out of the leaves. In zone 6a she is more of an early May Queen.
An old an bright small-cup, Narcissus Bath's Flame was once widely grown as a cut flower. A true classic that will never go out of style. Lithe and long lived. Based on the intense color that is coaxed out of the cup in the Dutch spring weather I think this daffodil would be classified as red, not orange in the cup if it was newly introduced today,
2 W-W
Peter Ramsey's Cameo series is an extended family distinguished by their perfect perianths across many shapes and color combinations. Overlapping petals with a point.
8 W-Y
Canaliculatus - An important Tazetta that is grown commercially in large numbers. A historic, an ADS Classic and an ADS miniature. On commercial acreage lists in Holland it is categorized as a species. Pollen and Pod fertile. We maintain a small stock that is hand harvested and graded apart from the large commercial growers. Floriferous, bright and fragrant. Mentioned as an "erratic and fussy bloomer"1 in Southern zones 8 and above.
1. Daffodils in American Gardens 1733-1940, Sara L. van Beck, 101
5 Y-Y
A delicate flower, a cross of Limequilla and species triandrus. Pale relexed petals, rich, pendant, and bulbous, cup. We find Churchfield Bells attractive and memorable in the mixed border, more than other triandrus, for reasons we cannot verbalize.
Flair, fun, and fansome : Country Roads is like a colorful Ice Follies all dolled up for a trip to town. Not at all dusty but rather tall, straight, and striking in the border. Like all things Van Der Veek, Country Roads gives good stem.
11a W-P
Perfectly hexagonal white and peach broad split cup will put a hex on your garden bed. Kind of like dancing the tarantella, but for daffodils. Recent van der Veek introduction.
4 W-O
Do you have a desert island daffodil ? Feu de Joie is ours, we would happily be banished to a desert island or even asteroid B-612 for that matter. If we could take only this flower we would scrub our volcano every day. Returns and rewards annually in the garden. Every bloom better than the next. Antique white / orange double. ADS Historic. Very limited stock.
Le feu de joie, c'est un beau coup de fusil.
2 Y-W
A reverse bi color that is strong on all points, weak on none. Consistent, rounded, dandy and neat with strong contrasting color, we find Flor d'Luna to be easily best in class. From Clive Postle in his salad days.
1 Y-Y
Large and sunny, Hello Sunshine is a soft lemon colored behemoth of a trumpet from Carlos van der Veek. Perianth is ovate, shouldered and mucronate, the funnel-shaped cup is frilled and crenate. New Introduction, good supply available.
8 W-Y
A highly floriferous cross from avalanche, by Bill Welch. Large and vigorous grower with large flowers and lots of them; we average 17 per scape. Hilary is very fragrant, an improved cultivar all around.
4 W-O
Many of the historic old blooms that we love are star-flowered small cups. But watch out, the free formed, star shaped, old doubles will steal your heart and leave you jaded. Insulinde is ivory, tangerine and libertine all over. Long lived plant, long lasting blooms held aloft on robust scapes. A Sarah Backhouse cultivar.
2 W-O
A taller, white petaled maiden with an ample, profound-orange, and frilled disc-cup that can become reflexed. Patrimony is unknown, but she is a great example of this form, much more substantial and upright than Professor Einstein who has all but disappeared from cultivation. Jacquline brings a sunny and easy disposition wherever she goes. ADS Historic.
1 Y-Y
Like other Veek Trumpets and Large Cups Just for You is a vigorous plant of poise and stature. Gold all over, the perianth is a bit ribby for the judges, but I would not hesitate to show it.
2 W-W
Love You More ! You Bethca ! A shapely and robust large cupped trumpet from Carlos van der Veek. Lovely ivory white color with fabulous substance. While the perianth may be a bit ribby for the Judges, the overall form of this flower is impressive -- with a little primping I think it has ribbon winning potential. Pricing allows for landscape planting.
Lucifer waves, winks, and beckons in the landscape. Star shaped with a rich colored cup that is variable with age. Angelic and demonic, a truly great landscape daffodil. ADS Historic. Limited.
Please contact me if your club would like to make a mass public planting of historics.
8 W-O
A bright and early Tazetta from Bill Welch, Marisol is distinguished by its deeply lobed and frilled orange cups. Cute and detailed, smells good like a Tazetta should.
8 Y-O
Martinette is a Tazetta crossed with a species jonquil by Harry Tuggle. It is a vigorous grower and fragrant. Aside from Geranium it is the tazetta that I see most often on the commercial cut flower market.
We are running out of synonyms for ostentatious to describe Carlo's lovely seedlings. Superfly, fancy, fancy-pants, yes a fancy-pants trumpet, white until the frilly yellow corona's edge. Vigorous grower, not registered, new introduction in 2023.
8 W-W
An abundance of broad, substantial, wavy and white flowers on a scape bring a spirit of opulence to the bed, bench, and bunch. Nickelodeon is a modern poetaz, from Grand Monarque, and from New Zealand too. A remarkable flower that we recommend without a moment's hesitation.
5 W-W
Our selection of Niveth, a historic Henry Backhouse triandrus.
N.x odorus var rugulosus
An intersectional cross between N.jonquilla and N.pseudonarcissus or N.hispanica that has been blooming freely since before the Age of Enlightenment. Absolutely feral in the American South. Perennial and fragrant, odorus has many nicknames: Campernelli, Single Campernelle, Rugulosus.
For the time being we are considering Rugulosus to be a variant of N.x odorus.
"Spendid for forcing and cutting" - A.Frylink & sons Catalog 1932 p. 34
1 Y-Y
Carlos' father Karel bred the groundbreakingly frilly and crenate cupped Dutch Crown. And Carlos did top his Pop one better in the well named trumpet Over the Top with more folds than an origami hippopotamus in an oh so sweet mango color. Has a scape like a dandy solicitor's walking stick.
A full flavored cyclamineus, and a reverse bi-color one at that. We adore the sixes and try to list a lot, the only other reverse bi-cycli we offer is Lemon Silk, who is a cool sophisticate. But Peppercorn has a perky profile and is peppery all over. That flanged cup, oh baby that lasts long on the taste buds. By Ron ëHotstuffíScamp. Just a handful to offer.
12 W-Y
On the march to year round daffodils Polar Hunter is on the vanguard; an April / October romance of a fall blooming viridiflorus species crossed with a spring bloomer. Polar Hunter breaks ground in late winter and proceeds to blossom at a leisurely pace. Because of its conspicuous substance and long lasting abundant blooms, florists and landscape designers take notice of this attractive and truly remarkable cultivar.