Rare and Limited
48 Cultivars Listed
A subjective category — by definition almost everything we list is rare and limited. If we notice that we have only, say, 25 bulbs of a daffodil to sell it goes into this bucket.
13 Y-Y
N. assoanus subsp.assoanus var.assoanus. Section jonquilla. Native to Spain and southern France. A lovely grower, good for breeding.
1 W-W
Hands down our pick for a white miniature daffodil. Aviva from Leone Low, a charming small miniature with clear star perianth and trumpet Leone named this daffodil after the daughter of her maid of honor. Aviva is the Swahili word for life. ADS Miniature.
4 Y-O
A flamboyant, substantial, and free spirited double, Bella Ciao is a recent van der Veek introduction. Large blooms, a good grower, currently rare and limited but she has higher aspirations.
We are partial to the Yves Montand version (yes Yves was Italian).
And the people who shall pass
(And all those who shall pass)
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful! Bye! Bye!
And the people who shall pass
(And all those who shall pass)
Will tell me: "what a beautiful flower"
(And they will say: "what a beautiful flower")
This is the flower of the partisan
(And this is the flower of the partisan)
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful! Bye! Bye!
This is the flower of the partisan
(And this is the flower of the partisan)
Who died for freedom
My Best Friend has a round pale primrose moon face and thin orange ring on his very round corona. Such are the bonds of friendship. A real bench burner. By Clive Postles. Only a handful available.
11a Y-O
It's hard to fill a truck selling Boslowick, he is so perfect, so broad faced and calming that you only need to one bloom to make your day. But please, take two bulbs, or more ! A very well ordered and well behaved split cup, with a profound color. A good grower for us, a perfect thing like most things Ron Scamp. See also Jabberwocky. Limited availability.
1 Y/W- P
Yellow and pink-cupped trumpets are a special, rarified group in the world of daffodils, highly sought after with most being showstoppers. Bronzewing is perhaps more sophisticated than the rest, a Brian Duncan bruiser with four inch blossoms and a corpulent cup. The petals have a fade to white at mid rib creating an even greater contrast with that big ole rich-pink cup. Not a back bencher.
2 W-W
Broomhill is a tall, all white, mid-century large cup. Broad, overlapping petals, strong structure and flanged cup makes her a solid shower. Broomhill is a member of a rich bloodline - Beersheba, King Alfred and China White are ancestors. Very slightly misty green at the base of the cup. Seed fertile, Broomhill has been a seed parent for many all white, show worthy cultivars. ADS Classic.
1 Y-O
Charlie is a large and muscular two-toned trumpet, kind of singular in the world of daffodil brass. With a bit of training and man-scaping, Charlie Conner will perform well in the competition ring.
All white small cup with an intense, cherry pink rim on the cup Cherry Glow is a newer Brian Duncan cultivar. Substantial flower on a substantial plant. Cherry Glow would be our choice to take to a show, she pushes the upwards boundaries of small cup. Great stems.
10 Y-Y
This bulbocodium has very long petals, soft color and a bit of the petunia shape in the cup that is sought after by breeders and benchers. Extended stamens and stigma. Not registered.
A white large cupped daffodil from Clive Postles with a very softly colored yellow cup, for competition.
Species Daffodil N. cuatrecasasii var. cuatrecasasii Section Apodanthi. Pollen parent of Pequenita.
13 W-W
N. dubius var. dubius , section Tazetta . Dubius is an important tazetta section species daffodil birthed in Spain. Spectacular detail, pure white with a miniature form. Dubius sprouts early, requires little cold and needs substantial protection in colder zones. Pollen and seed fertile. Super breeder. Father of Crevette.
Shallow bowl shaped yellow to red small cup in a blunt white perianth. Very tall, very late and colorful. From New Zealand.
6 W-P
Foundling found a patron and went on to raise her own family of remarkable offspring: Elizabeth Ann, Kaydee, Georgi Girl. A short barreled pink cup with reflexed white petals. Cyclamineus. Pollen and seed fertile. Makes a nice colorful clump. Adoption papers filed at checkout. ADS Classic.
2 Y-Y
Frank Miles has been bringing his sunny disposition to the landscape for 150 years. A two-toned gold on gold large cup that is stunning in the border. If you can have only one antique in your garden, Frank will be a long lasting and loyal friend. Frank was a friend of Oscar Wilde and not homely at all. Historic. Rare.
2 W-P
A Dr John Reed White / Pink large cup. Just a handful available.
4 Y-O
A lovely, older Robert Backhouse cultivar. Glowing Phoenix is wild and sparse double, colorful and free. That is free as in spirit, not as free as in beer. Rare. Very early. ADS Historic.
8 W-Y
Grand Monarque is an old and important Tazetta, once grown in great numbers for the cut flower market, both in the US and the Netherlands. It has produced some remarkable seedlings establishing its reputation as a super parent. Plainly colored, Floriferous and fragrant. From the species N. tazetta subsp. lacticolor.
Just fills you with envy doesn't it ? Powerful contender for best in any show, no? Ovate and mucronate spinnaker-white petals as perfect as the compact red suction cupped-cup. Hartlebury is just unbeatable. Late 20th Century English narcissiculture.
2 W-P
Daffodil love is a playful affair. Jeu d'Amour's lobed cup transitions from pale yellow to a deep crustacean pink. Broad, white, mucronate perianth of great substance. Breathtaking in the bed and vase. A recent van der Veek introduction. Jeu d'Amour is
2 W-P
Broad white petaled pink cup, Fragrant Rose on steroids, and even better for the bench for it.
Kaylee Ann is so cute and bright-faced she is easily worth twice the price. Flawless blooms are easy in spite of that buzzsaw edged cup.
4 W-Y
A very beefy White and Yellow Double daffodil from New Zealand. First perianth row is double triangle shaped. Kiwi Magic opens with a bright yellow corona and matures to a softer cream.Just a handful in stock.
2 W-P
The much sought after Lavender Hope is back again this year, in slightly larger numbers. Another member of the house of Dailmanach, this time via Dr. John Reed.
7 W-W
Limequilla is a superstar jonquil hybrid: floriferous; beautifully formed; fertile ? which is notable for a jonquilla cross. Up to five blooms on a stem, ever-changing in color from yellow to greenish ivory, every day's march to maturity is enthralling. C
We are pleased to list this miniature white pink cupped tazetta by Harold Koopowitz. Little Dianne is unique and feminine, full of color, fine form, detail and fragrance. Makes you loath to leave the ranch in springtime. Limited stock