White Lady is an old Engleheart variety that is maddeningly similar to Queen of the North. Having spent much time looking at the two I can say that if you showed me one flower and asked me which, I could not say. Show me one of each of them together I could easily pick out White Lady. She had a deeper color coalescing at the rim of the cup. Also lightly scented. It is difficult to identify the old small cups from their shape alone: their form changes greatly as the bloom matures. I am sure that at one time long ago some reprobate mixed a stock of White Lady and Queen of the North together further compounding the confusion. Seagull is also similar. Like most of the old small cups White Lady is as tough as an iron maiden, blooms well out of the leaves, and a top choice for a sparse vista (aka "Naturalized") planting. ADS Historic.
This Daffodil on DaffSeek
White Lady is an old Engleheart variety that is maddeningly similar to Queen of the North. Having spent much time looking at the two I can say that if you showed me one flower and asked me which, I could not say. Show me one of each of them together I could easily pick out White Lady. She had a deeper color coalescing at the rim of the cup. Also lightly scented.
It is difficult to identify the old small cups from their shape alone: their form changes greatly as the bloom matures. I am sure that at one time long ago some reprobate mixed a stock of White Lady and Queen of the North together further compounding the confusion. Seagull is also similar.
Like most of the old small cups White Lady is as tough as an iron maiden, blooms well out of the leaves, and a top choice for a sparse vista (aka "Naturalized") planting. ADS Historic.